Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Participants who have a majority or all of their holding in the G Fund should consider the effects of inflation on the yearly returns of the G Fund in the TSP. Call today to schedule a no-cost, complimentary consultation to develop a well diversified mix of investments that has the potential to better keep pace with inflation.

Investments available in the TSP are:
G Fund (Government Securities Investment Fund) - comprised of U.S. Treasury (government) securities where the earnings are based upon the interest rate paid on the government bonds in which the fund invest.
F Fund (Fixed Income Index Investment Fund) - comprised of U.S. government, mortgage-backed, and corporate bonds.
C Fund (Common Stock Index Investment Fund) - comprised of the common stocks of the 500 largest U.S. companies and managed to track the performance of the S&P 500 Index.
S Fund (Small Cap Stock Index Index Fund) - comprised of common stocks of more than 3,100 U.S.-based corporations with the exclusion of the 500 largest companies represented in the S&P 500.
I Fund (International Stock Index Investment Fund) - comprised of the stocks of international companies that are headquartered in Europe, Australia, Asia, or the Far East.
L Fund (Lifecycle Funds) - invests in various mixes or combinations of the G, F, C, S, and I Funds available in the TSP. Designed to take into consideration the participant's projected retirement date, assuming that the more years a person has until retirement, there is a greater need for growth of assets, and therefore would have a greater amount invested in the C Fund, S Fund, or I Fund, versus a participant who has fewer years left and typically more conservative, less concerned about growth, and more interested in preservation of capital and interest paid on bonds in the G Fund and F Fund.
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